Saturday, January 15, 2011

Just thoughts

No picture, but some thoughts. Danielle went back to Berkeley today. She made it back up north in no time.

After a very long work week with hubby out of town, and a lot of things going on I am tired. Just want to relax and then I turn around and then I have to get sub plans together for next week. I have to be out 3 days; 2 days for training and 1 for dentist. It is just go, go, go, and then crash at the end of the day.

Some weeks seem like a blur. But not all understand the trials and tribulations that I go through during a week. NO, they are disappointed in me that I am not jumping up and doing exactly what they want. Many times what I like is not what they want, so I don't even bother asking because their noise would turn up. I don't like conflict, so I know when not to participate or ask.. But then I get a different response that is totally unnecessary.

Anyway, it was nice to take a walk with the dogs to clear my head. I love to walk in the moonlight with the shadows. There were a few stars out tonight and the air had a slight chill to it. How nice!

Let me see? I am the one who always takes the dogs to the vet, I get home at 4 or 5 but don't slow down until 6 or 8 and then I still have work to do for school. I do all the bills and feed all the animals at 5 am and 5 pm very rarely does someone else step in to help. Litter boxes and poop pick up that's me. Non stop but yet someone is disappointed in me because I don't have dinner ready. Well whatever I make is usually not what the other wants to eat, so I don't bother being shot down. I have never bitched and moaned about having to do everything with the animals and the son; while the other person is working or on travels; and on top of that I have to make sure that I am doing my job to the standard that is expected. Which is very challenging.

But I am Wonder Woman and I can do all without any issues and I am not tired; nor do I get tired and I have all the energy in the world and want to please everyone. Wrong! Times have changed and I have to have limits other wise I get overwhelmed. Life goes on...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to stop by and let you know that I love you a whole bunch! And that you are beautiful, wonderful, and amazing. -DKD

P.S. I LOVE your nesting doll background. <3