Sunday, March 2, 2008

Last Week 2/25-3/1

Lil E and Greg went to Legoland on Saturday, while I was taking of other business, going into work and taking Margaux to work and trying to fit in a 10 mile run too.  Anyway Lil E got this really cool mask at the Legoland.  

Right at my 1 mile mark left to run, I saw Greg and Lil E in the car and they met me at the end of my run.  So, Greg got a shot of me at the end of my longest run yet.  The smile is the daze that I am in after running; actually not the weather was perfect and the run was good too.  
Who could ask for a nicer stretch to run on than the coast in Carlsbad.  Nice cool weather and towards the end of my 10 mile run the sun was coming out.  
When everyone else is getting snow or rain we had a beautiful day on Sunday.  Pier in the evening hours.  
Margaux with her really cool pot that she made in ceramics class at Mira Costa College. 
Lil E getting his hair done early Wednesday morning.  After all that work he didn't want it done the way we did it.  

On Monday we stopped by the park after school with Lil E and big sister.  The day was beautiful not to cold.  

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